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Lake Use Guidelines

Rex Wallen and Soren Lee,

grandsons of Ed and Monica Wallen 


Lake use guidelines  have been voted on and approved by a majority of the members of Diamond Lakers. These are the "common sense" guides for living on and using the lake that will minimize our disturbance to each other, to the wildlife, and which will preserve the qualities of Diamond Lake we all enjoy.

The Diamond Lake Association Guidelines limit recreational boating activities to the hours of 10AM to 6PM.

Definition of Recreational Boating:
(1) water crafts towing persons on tubes, skis and similar equipment;
(2) water-jet skis or other powered personal craft and/or
(3) motor-driven watercraft going up and down (or around in a circular fashion) the lake creating a significant wake.


Fishing boats and pontoon craft proceeding from one place to another on the lake are not considered as being recreational. Time-of-day operating limits 10 AM to 6PM apply only to recreational water craft.


See also:
Wisconsin Boating Regulations Handbook.

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